


Xylella Fastidiosa (Source: oliveoiltim)
USPA NEWS - The first epidemiological evidence relating to outbreaks of Xylella fastidiosa detected in Corsica, show that the bacterium was identified to date on the island only on polygales to myrtle leaf implanted long and it belongs to the subspecies multiplex, different from that rampant in Puglia.
Stephane Le Foll Minister of Agriculture
Source: Official Stephane Le Foll
NEW PRIORITIES TO PERFORM MEASUREMENTS TO ENSURE ERADICATION OF XYLELLA FASTIDIOSA-------After asking the Prefect to adapt its measures to the multiplex subspecies, the ministry of agriculture, food and forestry, now asked to perform these measurements according to established priorities for action under known epidemiological evidence, to ensure the eradication of the bacteria in a proportionate manner. Compensation mechanisms professionals and individuals involved in the fight against this pest are, moreover, the national study to be activated as soon as possible. The Minister, Stephane LeFoll, wishes to acknowledge the work done by agents of the State, local authorities and FREDON deployed on the ground to fight against Xylella fastidiosa, and to ensure its recognition and support. A national referent, appointed to support the long term regional services responsible for plant protection, thus already arrived in Corsica. These measures are intended to be made effective until the end of August, the conclusions and recommendations of the mission of multidisciplinary expertise conducted by the Minister. On this basis, action and management action priorities will be adapted or magazines. Official Statement Minister of Agriculture, Stephane LeFoll. See also articles : XYLELLA FASTIDIOSA BACTERIA ATTACKS SOME PLANTS & TREES CREATING PANIC FOR CROPS FEAR OF HIGH RISK IN CORSICA FRANCE - See more at: http://www.newsrama.uspa24.com/bericht-4688/xylella-fastidiosa-bacteria-attacks-some-plants-und-trees-creating-panic-for-crops.html#sthash.9RbZkVEV.dpuf and MISSION ON XYLELLA FASTIDIOSA IN PROPIANO CORSICA ISLAND BY LABORATORIES DUE DILIGENCE BY MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-4709/-mission-on-xylella-fastidiosa-in-propiano-corsica-island-by-laboratories.html#sthash.WhnzhvQT.dpuf)  
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