


Logo OECD (Source: OECD)
President Hollande Chancellor Merkel
(Source: Courtesy of Elysee)
USPA NEWS - OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría welcomes the initiative of President Francois Hollande and Chancellor Angela Merkel to put forward a structural and ambitious response to the current refugee crisis.
Source: OECD
“European leaders must stand before history in dealing with this humanitarian tragedy," he said. “European countries have already dealt with humanitarian crises in the past. They have the experience and the capacity to respond to this emergency and chart the path for a long-term solution. Prompt and determined implementation of this proposal will help relieve the pressure on the neighbouring countries of Syria, which have already offered refuge to millions. European leaders need to step up to the challenge so that Europe as a whole emerges stronger economically, socially and politically,“ said Mr. Gurría. “OECD analysis demonstrates the potential benefits that well-managed migration brings to the economies and societies of OECD countries.“--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See article also : A CHILD FOUND DEAD ON A TURKEY BEACH BECOMES SYMBOL OF THE MIGRANTS CRISIS PHOTO PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA WORLDWIDE - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5144/a-child-found-dead-on-a-turkey-beach-becomes-symbol-of-the-migrants-crisis.html#sthash.PELm1GoE.dpuf See also article: FRANCOIS HOLLANDE AND ANGELA MERKEL AGREED AN INITIATIVE ON THE MIGRANT CRISIS TO SUBMIT TO EUROPEAN SUMMIT SEPT 14 - See more at: http://www.uspa24.com/bericht-5146/francois-hollande-and-angela-merkel-agreed-an-initiative-on-the-migrant-crisis.html#sthash.jSKVuuCj.dpuf  Since 1972, and through many previous migration crises, the OECD has provided solid, evidence-based analyses of migration and integration policy challenges, helping to dispel common stereotypes and misinterpretations. Over the decades, the OECD has offered a forum  to share experiences, promote policy dialogue and seek solutions to common problems regarding migration, building expertise on integration issues with a view to mobilising the skills of immigrants and refugees.The OECD will present its annual International Migration Outlook on September 22. “Following the proposal tabled by President Hollande and Chancellor Angela Merkel, Europe has a chance, working with other countries, to make a concrete step in addressing one of the biggest challenges facing the world today. The OECD is ready to help,“ said Mr. Gurría from Ankara, where he is participating in the Meeting of G20 Ministers of Employment and Finance".Official OECD.
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